Thursday 2 October 2014

Tesla, Mobile-eye & Jaguar in the news

Tesla, Mobile-eye & Jaguar in the news

Earlier this week Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdhry weighed in on Tesla Motors TSLA relating to its use of MobileEye MBLY Advanced driver assistance features.
It was noted that starting today some Model S 85 KwH models with a Tech Package, came equipped with the following:
  • Driver Assist feature including Lane Departure
  • Speed Assist
  • Parking Sensors
The specculation is that the Driver Assist feature is from MobileEye, but by looking at the camera, they were unable to identify the supplier.
"As we have been saying "Within the next 3 months, Tesla is expected to include the Driver Assist features into the Tesla Model S" - seems now, that probably Tesla has delivered Driver Assist much before than what we were expecting ," Chowdhry said.
Also an artcle from today's Investors Business Daily titled, "Tesla October Surprise: Is It Date With A Model?" regarding speculation the Elon Musk's cryptic tweet from yesterday " About time to unveil the D and something else" could be referring to the driver assist feature mentioned above.
You can read the article here:

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